Conference – Contesting borders

Palazzo Strozzi Florence, Italy

This workshop aims at bridging together critical border studies with migration studies and social movement studies, as those fields have been rarely put into dialogue. To that end, it investigates the notion of border and its interaction with collective and individual solidarity initiatives, exploring these from a theoretical and empirical perspective. In the morning session, […]

European policy event – Transnational Political Contention and the protection of rights and democracy in Europe

Maastricht University Brussels, Belgium

The concluding event of the Jean Monnet Network "Transnational Political Contention and the protection of rights and democracy in Europe" will take place in Brussels, on June 7, 2023 Transnational political dynamics are growing: some question the EU liberal order, while others contribute to strengthening democratic guarantees at the European and domestic level as well […]

Dissemination event – Transnational solidarities in the Balkans: Migration Justice Worldmaking

Roda Zagreb, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

The dissemination & policy event, organized by Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, in cooperation with the Institute for Development and International Relations, aims at disseminating the research findings of the Jean Monnet TraPoCO Network beyond its core partners, targeting think tanks, NGO practitioners, as well as local civil society organizations, policy-makers and other interested stakeholders. It […]