EU – a mechanism of stifling the movements?

Posted Posted in Balcani, Balkans, Croatia, European Union, protest, social movements, urban movements, Zagreb je naš/Zagreb is Ours

When it comes to discussing the EU, there is a lot to say. Some will approach the topic with some skepticism, some others will be more optimistic about the opportunities that the EU is offering, and some will find themselves in between. Countries from the South-Eastern region that are currently requesting or negotiating EU membership […]

Inside or outside the institutions? The struggle of Zagreb je naš for a better city

Posted Posted in Balkans, Croatia, urban movements, Zagreb je naš/Zagreb is Ours

Iva Ivšić is one of the most active members of Zagreb je naš (in English “Zagreb is ours”), a green-left political platform formed in 2017 by local civil activists with the intention to bring politics back to the citizens, believing in their right to participate in the decision-making processes. Besides her engagement in Zagreb je […]

From the streets to the town halls: local governance and municipalist platforms in Croatia and Serbia

Posted Posted in Balcani, Croatia, Fearless cities, municipalism, Serbia, urban movements

[article first appeared on Minim Municipalism Magazine] Over the last years, Croatia and Serbia witnessed the emergence of municipalist platforms which ran for local elections in Zagreb (2017) and Belgrade (2018). Choosing the local level of government as an entry point, these city platforms were inspired by Barcelona en Comú and other experiences that “focus […]

Serbia: se la casa non è più un diritto

Posted Posted in Balcani, Balkans, diritto alla casa, Serbia, urban movements

[article first appeared on Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso e Transeuropa, 9 December 2019] Da quando qualche anno fa in Serbia è stata emendata la Legge sull’esecuzione forzata e i pignoramenti sono state parecchie le persone che hanno rischiato o che sono rimaste senza casa. A Belgrado e Novi Sad è attivo un collettivo anti-sfratto che si […]

A Belgrado le città senza paura

Posted Posted in Balcani, Fearless cities, Serbia, urban movements

[article first appeared from Osservatorio Balcani and Caucaso] Una rete internazionale di movimenti civici si è riunita a Belgrado la scorsa settimana. Obiettivo dei gruppi della società civile è riappropriarsi degli spazi politici e urbani attraverso iniziative dal basso 13/06/2019 –  Chiara Milan* Dal 7 al 9 giugno Belgrado ha ospitato il summit delle “Città senza paura” […]